A loan helped a member to buy a sugarcane-juice squeezer.

Toer's Group's story

Toer lives in a rural area of the Ek Phom district of Battambang province, Cambodia. He is 43 years old and single. To make a living, he has been rice farming on one-hectare of farmland for twenty years, and also complements this income by selling sugarcane juice. He is able to earn about 43,000KHR per day and manages to save around 10,000KHR. Drought is the main challenge for his paddy-field.

Toer’s group consists of two members, who have both been with VisionFund for one cycle. He has paid back the entire past loan with success and it has helped him to expand his business gradually. Now he and his group member are applying for a loan of 1,000,000KHR each. As the leader, he is going to use his portion to buy a sugarcane-juice squeezer, cans, and straws. He hopes to earn more income from his business, so he can improve his living conditions.

In this group: Toer, Davy

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