A loan helped a member buy fertilizer for her farm.

Khen's Group's story

Khen is 31 years old and lives in a rural area in the Moung Russey district of Battambang province, Cambodia. She has five children. She earns a living through growing rice on one hectare of farmland, which she has been in for ten years to support her family. This is the main source of the family’s income. She is able to earn around 15,000 KHR per day and saves about 10,000 KHR each day after daily expenses for the future needs.

Khen’s group consists of four members. She is leading her group to ask for a loan with VisionFund. She is in her first loan with VisionFund. Khen will use her portion to buy fertilizer for her farmland. She hopes this loan will enable her to earn more income in order to fulfill her dream to renovate her old house for living in.

In this group: Khen, Saroun, Phearun, Chouk

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details