A loan helped a member to buy firewood and provisions to sell to customers.

Gonno Group's story

Gonno is a group which has two members and is based at Teshie. The members are Grace and Gladys who sell items such as firewood, provisions and jewelry. They have been together for two years and are taking out their third loan from ID-Ghana.

Gladys is a 56-year-old single woman with two adult children. Her children do not live with her but sometimes come back to help their mother to sell. She sells firewood and provisions. She has 15 years of experience in this work and has employed one person to help her.

Gladys is requesting a loan of 900 Ghana cedis from Kiva through ID-Ghana in order to buy firewood and provisions to sell. With any profits, she will be able to save money for her future and reinvest in her business. Together, they need an amount of 1,700 Ghana cedis to buy more goods for their businesses.

In this group: Gladys, Grace

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details