A loan helped to buy organic fertilizer and to do the weeding in his farm.

Clemente's story

Clemente has been working in the fields for more than four decades. His main activity is growing coffee since the zone he lives in is ideal for this crop.

He’s married to Guillermina and they have a 17-year-old daughter who they will be sending to university in a year. Clemente does all the work necessary in his coffee farm while his wife and daughter do the housework and care for a coffee plant nursery they have at home. During harvest season Clemente hires three day laborers to help him and his wife and daughter also head out to the fields to work with him.

Despite the last season’s harvest in the zone where he lives not being very good, he still managed to produce 15 tons, half organic and half conventional coffee. Clemente is going to buy organic fertilizer and do the weeding so that his next crop yield will reach 18 tons. He needs a loan to carry out these activities. Clemente commented that he’s doing everything necessary so that in three years his entire production will be organic coffee.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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