A loan helped a member to purchase women's undergarments.

San Gregorio Group's story

The San Gregorio Group consists of fifteen women who run different businesses. The majority of them sell products such as clothing, food, and fruit, etc. The members are very responsible with their loan payments and their businesses. The group’s members are very happy with the results they have seen, especially since thanks to their effort they are able to generate income which helps them provide for their families.
One of the members is Lisa, who sells lingerie for younger and older women. She offers better quality undergarments at a reasonable price for her customers.
The loan requested will be used to purchase a larger quantity of merchandise in different sizes so she can sell them and in this way try to generate the most revenue possible.

In this group: Martina, Liz, Concepcion, Lisa, Silvia, Karen, Graciela, Eva, Rosa, Maria, Lucia, Olga, Fatima, Paricia, Monica

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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