A loan helped a member to buy a mirror and hair cutting machines.

Mallku Irpiri 2 Group's story

Mallku Irpiri 2 Communal Bank will begin its first cycle with Pro Mujer as part of the Collpani Regional Office. It is made up of six members headed by a board of directors of which Tomasa is the president. The businesses carried out by the members of the communal bank are varied, including macrame weaving of blankets, fruit sales, weaving and sales, cosmetics and stuffed animal sales, hamburger sales, and hairdressing.

The loan they're going to get will benefit small business owners of which Tomasa is a member. She indicates that for five years she has been a member of Pro Mujer, joining on the invitation of a friend who is a member of the institution. Currently she has a hairdressing business, the same one she has worked in for years, having learned it from her husband.

The loan she's going to receive now is to expand and improve her business by buying mirrors and machines, which she will buy in the markets in the city of El Alto and install later in her sales space. This type of work allows her to generate resources to support her family as much as possible, because she lives with her partner and has two children.

When asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she responds that she likes the health training.

In this group: Tomasa , Monica Sonia , Ines , Juana , Paty Sonia, Damiana

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

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