A loan helped to purchase firewood, wheat, maize flour, and other items of basic necessity so that she can restock her business.

Mwanamisi's story

Mwanamisi, age 48, has been a merchant for three years. She is engaged in a food stall business and sells a variety of foods to the neighborhood and the general public. She is a hard-working and dedicated person.

Mwanamisi and her husband have five children, two of whom are now grown. Thanks to all of her efforts, her three younger children are pursuing their studies. She says that she never had the opportunity to proceed with her own studies after completing primary level. Therefore, her greatest wish is to see all of her children pursue professional careers so that they can have a better future.

Mwanamisi is requesting a loan that will be used to purchase firewood, wheat, maize flour, and other items of basic necessity so that she can restock her business.

Loan details

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