A loan helped to buy make-up, creams, and perfume.

Nancy Lucila's story

Nancy has lived in Playas since she was a little girl. Now, at the age of 42, she rents a house where she lives with her three children, 16, 6, and 4. She is a single mother because she separated from her husband several years ago. Eight years ago she began selling make-up products and clothing through a catalogue. Because of the separation she needed to have income for her children and not neglect them.

This kind of business facilitates caring for them because she can manage her schedule with no problem. Nancy tells us that now she has a lot of customers but this is because she works very hard. She goes out to promote her products three days a week and devotes the other two days to collecting. She doesn't do it alone; she takes her youngest daughter because she's not in school, so Nancy takes her everywhere when she is working.

With the loan requested she hopes to buy clothing, make-up, creams, and perfume to offer and sell.

Her dream for the future is to set up a store for herself to show her products and be able to meet more potential customers. With regard to her family, she wants to continue in good health for herself and her children.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

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