A loan helped a member purchase of blankets, sheets, towels, curtains etc for resale.

Las Divinas Group's story

Victoria is 36 years old and belongs to a group called "The Divines". The name was chosen because the members are considered very good people and nice.

Victoria sells quilts, sheets, towels, bedspreads and curtains by catalog. She said she has had the business for over 5 years and undertook it to support her child as a single mother. Every day she takes to the streets in the community, and other nearby townships, to sell her quilts by catalog. She mainly sells to people whom she knows and will pay because her quilts are sold on payment plans, so that the cost is not so pressing on her clients. Victoria buys what her clients ask for at a store in Mexico city and sometimes also in the city of Moroleón, as there are lower prices. Victoria is requesting a loan to stock up on blankets and sheets, as they are the top sellers in the warmer weather. In the future she would like to sell women’s clothing as well, as it is one of her dreams, and she said she soon will achieve it.

The other three team members are called Rosalinda, Maria Guadalupe and Dora Elia. They invest their loans in the purchase of material for embroidery crafts, natural products and cosmetics catalog.

In this group: Rosalinda, María Guadalupe, Dora Elia, Victoria

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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