A loan helped to buy basic household products for restocking his store.

Omar De Jesús's story

Omar is a hardworking individual. Because of this quality, he has been able to help his wife and six children move forward by providing them with a good quality of life and a good education so that they can progress. As a young man, Omar began working in different restaurants and stores. After acquiring the necessary experience, he decided to establish his own business. Approximately six months ago, Omar opened a general store where he offers basic household products. Thanks to his efforts, he has been able to generate his own income and his financial stability has improved immensely. Even though his sales are increasing, Omar does not have sufficient capital. Therefore, he is seeking a loan that will allow him to buy basic household products in order to restock his business and offer a wider variety of merchandise to his customers.

His earnings will improve considerably as his sales increase. This will enable him to have some more income and provide his family a better quality of life and better financial opportunities to make progress.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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