A loan helped to buy balanced feed, vaccines, and vitamins.

Alcides Hernan's story

Alcides Hernán is 32 years old, single, and lives with his relatives in the canton of Montalvo in Los Ríos Province. Alcides is a member of the Communal Bank "Embarcadero Chico". The members engage in the cultivation of cacao, oranges, baby bananas, cooking bananas, cassava, plantains, and the breeding of animals.

Alcides Hernán grows cacao, oranges, baby bananas, cooking bananas, plantains, and raises animals. He is requesting a loan in order to buy feed for his chickens and pigs, such as balanced powders, vaccines, and vitamins so that the animals can be sold. With the help of this loan, he will be able to buy animals such as pigs. The purchase and sale of his products and animals take place in the canton of Caluma each week. His dream is to build a house where he can live in better conditions. The challenges he faces include weather factors, such as excessive rain.

In his free time, Alcides enjoys playing sports.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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