A loan helped purchase pharmaceutical products for resale.

Hawa Seydou's story

Madam Hawa Seydou is 54 years old. She has seven children, the eldest of whom is 32 and the youngest 12 years of age.

Hawa Seydou is a matron in a local health center. She is still active and when necessary she takes the opportunity to purchase out-of-stock pharmaceutical products and resell them to the center . She has an accumulated 21 years' experience in this field.

Hawa Seydou participates in the family's daily expenditures and ensures the welfare of family members. However she receives financial support from her eldest son, who is working.

She would like to use the the profits from her business activity to build a house and be free of lease-related problems.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer René McConnell.

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