A loan helped to purchase tires, oils, lubricants, filters, spark plugs, windshields, headlights, gaskets, brake shoes, and other spare parts for his business.

Angel Rutilio's story

Ángel is 46 years old and lives with his family in a village in southern Honduras. His business is an auto repair shop, where he also sells spare parts and lubricants, such as: vehicle and motorcycle tires, oil, brake lights, spark plugs, windshields, etc.
Ángel is requesting a 15,000.00 lempira loan in order to increase inventory for his business with tires, oils, lubricants, filters, spark plugs, windshields, headlights, gaskets, brake shoes, and other spare parts. This way he will be able to make more sales, since demand for his merchandise is greater every day.
Ángel's dream is to increase sales in his business so that his financial life may improve. This will allow him to continue remodeling his home and provide his family with better living conditions.

San Lorenzo, Honduras - March 2012

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Sanchis.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details