A loan helped to buy small chickens.

Tara's story

Tara is thirty-five years old. She is married and has two children aged twenty-two and sixteen. In 2005, she established her poultry business. Working 7 days a week and 4 hours a day, she supports her family. She has already received and successfully repaid six loans from Patan BPW and used her most recent one to buy small chickens.

In the future, Tara plans to improve the economic condition of her family. She thanks you for your support.

In the Kathmandu Valley, raising poultry for eggs and meat is a very profitable business. Kiva loans are used to purchase chicks, food, and necessary medicine to keep the chickens healthy. Once matured, the chickens are sold at small butcher shops or in the many open air markets throughout the valley.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details