A loan helped to buy shoes, 'going out' bags and beauty products.

Améyo's story

Ameyo is a 30-year-old woman. She is married to an employee. She has 2 children who both attend school. The eldest is 7 years old and the youngest 5.

Ameyo has been working as a retailer since 2005. She sells shoes, beauty products and 'going out' bags to all sorts of customers at the market. She gets her merchandise in Lomé and works alone. Right now, her principal problem is a lack of inventory.

Ameyo has requested her 2nd loan from WAGES in order to buy shoes, beauty products and 'going out' bags; she wishes to reinvest in her business. In the coming years, she would like to increase the size of her business. She plans to use the profits to take care of her family.

Translated from French.

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