A loan helped to buy supplies and ingredients as well as vegetables and meats.

Martha's story

Martha, 35, is a tenacious, kind, enterprising woman. She’s a single mother of two children who are 18 and 16 years old and still depend on her for their education and food. She has a house of her own where she shares her days with her children. She works hard because she wants to provide a better quality of life for them.

Martha’s work consists in food sales in various places. She rises early to start her daily chores. She cooks and takes her delicious meals to various sawmills in the city where she has customers that she’s won over thanks to the quality of her dishes; they are very tasty and that turns her customers into regulars. She’s been working in this activity for four years and she does it alone because her children have to study. She likes to do her work because she’s always liked cooking; ever since she was a little girl she loved to cook and how much better to earn a living doing something you love. Besides, it is very gratifying to see the satisfied expressions on the faces of her diners at the moment of enjoying her dishes. She hopes later on to consolidate her work to continue growing with what she does.

This will be loan #5 with MFP so she’s hoping for your collaboration so that she can continue toward her objectives. On the other hand, she commits to continue being a punctual and responsible client like she was with past loans she got. Besides, she wants to continue working with her communal bank's fellow members because they are all very kind and supportive.

She will use the requested 2000 soles to buy supplies and ingredients to continue preparing her delicious dishes as well as vegetables and various meats to offer a wider variety to her customers.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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