A loan helped to buy two bolts of fabric.

Eugenia's story

Eugenia’s a member of the “Las Mensajeras” communal bank located in Juliaca District, San Román Province and Puno Department. She’s 49 years old, married and has four children (one independent). She attended secondary school (incomplete).

She’s been working with the Manuela Ramos Movement for four years. Her initial loan was for 300 new soles that allowed her to increase capital in her business selling shirts.

She will request a new loan in the amount of 800 new soles to buy two bolts of fabric for her business making shirts. Her husband helps her with the business and also works as a bricklayer.

Her dream for the future is to own a house and to have a car to transport her merchandise. What she likes best about the communal bank is the ease of repaying in short periods.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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