A loan helped to plant yucca and pineapple.

Jenny Cristina's story

Jenny Cristina is a 34 year old woman who lives with her husband and their two children, ages 10 and 11. They live in a small community called the Trinchera de Pital, which is in the Alajuela province. Their main business activities are livestock and agriculture. Growing pineapples stands out because they are mainly sold to international markets. For this reason the community has been developing and growing in the last few years. This has been generating a greater demand for products and services, which offers greater opportunities for work. Jenny has devoted herself to agriculture for several years. She distributes her product to most of the neighbors in her community. They are very satisfied with the quality.

Jenny Cristina is currently requesting a loan for 500,000 colones to plant yucca and pineapple. She will also buy fertilizers and agricultural chemicals. She will do this in order to get good quality harvests, to get ahead with all of the daily expenses, and to give her family a better quality of life. With this investment she hopes that her small business will grow, and that she will be able to take care of more customers and offer them better products at harvest time. All of this will help improve her living conditions.

Jenny Cristina is a member of Trinchera de Pital's "Empresa Comunal de Mujeres al Éxito" (Community Venture of Successful Women), one of EDESA's 150 member organizations in Costa Rica.

With this loan she hopes to continue growing on a personal and a financial level. She also hopes to actively participate in the loan organization in her community.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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