A loan helped a member to buy ornamental plants and the things she needs to make nacatamales (a Nicaraguan dish), including pork, chicken, rice, maize, fuel etc.

Antonela Group's story

The Antonela group is made up of three hardworking and enterprising people. One of them is Lida del Carmen, who has worked for six years selling plants and nacatamales (a Nicaraguan snack consisting of steamed meat and vegetables in banana or maize leaves). She will invest the loan in buying ornamental plants and the things she needs to make nacatamales, including pork, chicken, rice, maize, fuel etc.

The other members of Antonela are Johana, who has been selling clothes for five years, and Maritza del Carmen, who has been selling plants for two years.

In this group: Lida, Johana, Maritza

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Eleanor Brown.

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