A loan helped a member to buy basic household products to stock her grocery store.

Oñondivepa Group's story

The Oñondivepa committee is from the city of Curuguaty. The group is made up of 13 women who are mainly indigenous women. They all have families and carry out their own business activities. They are currently in their first loan cycle within Fundación Paraguaya's 'Rural Women's Committee Program'. Their main business activity is farming but they would like to be able to set up other businesses as well.

Bonifacia is one of the members of this group. She has a small, well-stocked grocery store where she provides all kinds of basic household products to her customers. She says that she has good sales because her business is the most well-stocked and she makes good profits as a result. She is very hopeful that Fundación Paraguaya and Kiva will be able to help her to continue growing her business.

Bonifacia is requesting this loan to buy sugar, flour, noodles, rice, milk, bread, etc. so that she will have a larger stock of products to offer her customers.

In this group: Damacia, Lucia, Adelaida, Josefina, Limpia, Gregoria, Ageda, Mariela, Bonifacia, Luciana, Martina, Primitiva, Marina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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