A loan helped to pay for bedding materials.

Marlon's story

Marlon is the proud owner of White Lotus Home, an organic bedding company that makes mattresses, pillows and other bedding products, out of organic fiber. The original business was established in 1981 and Marlon began working at the company in 2002, becoming the sole owner in 2006. Marlon sells his products on the internet, for wholesale and in his store operated out of Highland Park, New Jersey. Marlon works with over 70 distribution partners in over 20 states. In addition, he recently began selling his products in Canada. Customers rave on his website about the quality of product and amazing customer service. Marlon needs capital to purchase bedding materials, in order to keep up with the sales growth in 2011. A loan will help him to make this purchase, also enabling business growth and new customer acquisition.

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