A loan helped a member to buy thread and needles.

Kuña Arandu Group's story

The “Kuña Arandu” women’s committee formed in 2009 thanks to an ex-member. They are currently in their 8th cycle in Fundación Paraguaya’s Enterprising Women’s Program. They are very hardworking, tenacious women who are capable of overcoming any challenge.

Gregoria is one of this hardworking group’s members. She comments that she makes “ñanduti,” a traditional Paraguayan textile. She comments that she does quite well because her textiles are always highly sought after. She comments that her dream is that her product is exported and becomes very well known.

She requested the loan to buy all types of thread, needles and other supplies needed to make this textile that she sells. She is thankful for the opportunity she’s getting.

In this group: Gregoria Margarita, Rumilda, Rosa, Silvia, Blanca, Benicia, Delia, Laura, Carolina, Mariana, Gilda, Silvia, Antonia, Venancia, Maria, Sonia, Guadalupe, Olga, Edda, Fanny

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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