A loan helped to buy supplies, fertilizers, seeds, insecticides, and weed killer, and to finish his education.

Alvaro Marcelo's story

Alvaro Marcelo is 21, single and has no children. He lives alone in San Miguel in the province of Bolívar.

His communal bank "Yagui Chico" is named after the community which is 20 minutes from the San Miguel Canton and the members have agriculture as their source of income for the families.

Alvaro earns a living through agriculture and grows corn mainly. He buys and sells in San Miguel. He is requesting a loan to buy supplies, fertilizers, seeds, insecticides and weed killer, as well as to finish his education. His dream is to finish his studies and become a professional so he can get a job.

He has not had any problem of any kind. In his free time he enjoys going out and being active in sports.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

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