A loan helped to buy 15 bags of fertilizers for use in farming.

Elma's story

Elma is a nice and responsible woman. She is married and the mother of three children. Elma only finished her high school education and then got married at a young age. She then got involved in rice farming as a source of income. She helped her husband transplant rice seedlings and learned a lot about this business. With the profits earned from the business, she was able to support her family's needs for meals and also pays for tuition fees for her children who are still in elementary grade.

Elma would like to further improve her crop porduction but she is limited financially to buy inputs. In this regard, she is now asking for a loan of P50,000 to buy 15 bags of fertilizers for use in farming. In the future, Elma would like to keep producing better crops to ensure a brighter future for her family.

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