A loan helped to purchase materials for greenhouse renovation.

Manana's story

Manana lives in the village of Misaktsieli, Kartli Region. She is 50 years old. She is married and lives with her family: husband Ioseb and three daughters (26, 25 and 20 years old). The younger daughter is a student.

The family earns a living through agriculture. They have three milk cows and a calf. Manana produces cheese and yogurt and sells it in the village on weekends. Along with the dairy farm, the family owns a greenhouse, with the area of 300 sq meters. In fall and winter months the greenhouse is used for greens growing and in spring and summer, tomatoes are grown there. The family sells harvested products locally to the greengrocery retailers. Total average monthly income of the family is 1100 Laris (approximately $660 USD).

Manana requested credit for renovation of the greenhouse. It needs urgent renovation, as is already old and can’t keep the needed temperature. When Manana and Ioseb fix it, they will count on a good harvest of greens this fall and winter and sell it for a good price.

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