A loan helped to make payments on a plot of agricultural land.

Jesusa's story

Jesusa is married and has 4 children. Only 3 of them live with her. Her husband and son live in the department of Santa Cruz. Jesusa only supports her 3 children.

They live in the area of Maica Sud, an area on the outskirts of the city of Cochabamba. She sells raw milk there, and she also is the caretaker of a cooling tank in the area, which her neighbors pay her for every month.

Jesusa has 4 heads of dairy cattle and she sells the milk to her neighbor who delivers it to the Pil Cochabamba Milk Industrialization Plant.
Jesusa needs the loan to be able to pay for a plot of land where she grows alfalfa to feed her cows. This makes her animals produce more and will improve her income so she can giver her children a better quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

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