A loan helped a member to buy sheets, blankets, comforters, etc. to sell.

8 De Dicimbre Group's story

The 8 de Diciembre (8th of December) communal bank was formed through the union of various residents in the city of Santaní. Currently it consists of 11 women, all of whom are hard workers, fighters, and above all, very honest and responsible. They came together with the goal of growing, not just financially, but also on a personal level.

Adolfina sells all types of items as a street vendor. Some of the things that she sells are blankets, comforters, shoes, etc., for which she has many requests. One of her dreams is to have a shop where she can offer all types of merchandise, so that she doesn't have to travel the streets, which is very hard.

She is asking for this loan to buy sheets, blankets, comforters, etc., because she has many orders for these items and wants to satisfy her clients. She would like to thank Fundación Paraguaya for the opportunity that they're offering, as obtaining this loan will be very helpful in her endeavors.

In this group: Adolfina, Ediltrudis, Liz, Lourdes, Blanca, Elisa, Elisa, Anastacia, Zunilda, Victoria, Sonia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sophie VH.

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