A loan helped to buy drinks, spices, milk, candies and snack foods for her store.

Ma. Elena's story

Ma.Elena is married and has two children. She sells groceries such as sugar, rice, oil and noodles. Her small store is located in her house. She has been working in this business for two years. Ma. Elena chose this type of work to help her husband and to have more income for the household.

A challenge that Ma. Elena faces is her youngest daughter’s health. At this time it is too cold. She faces this challenge by being very careful with her daughter’s health as well as being careful with the rest of the family's health.

She will use the loan to buy merchandise for her store. Ma. Elena’s dream is to see her business grow until it becomes a large grocery store.

She is a very enterprising person. Together with her husband, she is very optimistic about getting her children ahead. She is very grateful for the opportunity to grow and to reach her dreams.

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