A loan helped purchase merchandise.

Juan Elíaz Beato's story

Don Juan is a very optimistic and hard working person. He works making handcrafted artwork after learning this vocation from his father, who did the same type of work, more then 28 years ago. Don Juan is currently teaching his children to make handcrafted items. As a result, his business has not only allowed him to cover his family´s expenses, but also has been a way for the family to stay together.

Don Juan sells his products in some restaurants in the tourist area of Cancún and comments that he has had a lot of demand for his handcrafted articles but does not have the capital to invest so that he could generate more income. He needs $925 USD to buy raw materials. You can help Don Juan and his children who depend on his business. They appreciate your kindness and generosity.

Translated from Spanish by Erin Corcoran, a Kiva volunteer.

Don Juan es una persona muy optimista y trabajadora, el se dedica a la elaboración de artesanías, aprendiendo este oficio hace mas de 28 años por medio de su padre, quien se dedicaba al mismo trabajo; actualmente le Don Juan le enseño a sus hijos ha elaborar estas artesanías por lo que su negocio le ha permitido no solo cubrir con los gastos de su familia, sino que también ha sido un medio para convivir entre ellos.

Don Juan vende sus productos en algunos restaurantes de la zona turística de Cancún y comenta que ha tenido mucha demanda por sus artículos pero no cuentan con el capital para invertir en sus artesanías y generar más ingresos. El requiere de $925 USD para comprar insumos, tu puedes ayudar a Don Juan y a sus hijos que dependen de este negocio. Ellos agradecen tu cariño y generosidad.

Loan details

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Loan details