A loan helped to buy beer and sodas.

Olga Marina's story

Mrs. Olga is a member of “The Positive” Community Bank located in the Calleria Department in Ucayali. She is 48 years old, married and has four children. She has one child who is still a dependent. Her husband has a job with a state agency.
The loans that she has received from Manuela Ramos have allowed her to invest in her business. She sells drinks, sodas and beer.
With this new loan of 1800.00 new soles she will buy 15 cases of beer, 3 flats of guarana soda, 2 flats of water, 2 flats of Inca cola and 2 flats of coca cola.
Her business now has a good variety of products. Her husband helps her on the weekends.
Manuela Ramos has a lot of confidence that the women are able to complete their obligations in life thanks to your efforts.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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