A loan helped to buy a greater variety of sweets and to increase the cell phone minute plan.

Hugo Alonso's story

In addition to the fact that his business is his only source of emplyment, Hugo Alonso feels that his business serves as therapy so that he can feel like a useful man in society. He suffers from a disability at birth, which has not been an impediment for this entrepreneur to give life to his business. He sells sweets and cell phone minutes at the Barbosa municipal park, which is close to Medillín.

Hugo is proud to be a small businessman. He is proud that, through his work, he gets the income he needs to cover his expenses and to buy his medications.

He currently needs a loan to buy a greater variety of sweets. He will also increase the cell phone minute plan, which will allow him to generate greater income.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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