A loan helped to buy necessary building materials to build a family house.

Tuya's story

Mrs.Tuya is 34 years old and lives with her husband and 2 children in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. Her family lives in her grandparents' house together with her grandparents. Tuya runs a fast food snack bar at the railway station. She has been running this business since 2009. She opens her snack bar at 5:00 in the morning and closes at 9:00 in the evening. She sells different snacks like burgers, hotdogs, sandwiches and dumplings to clients who are waiting for the trains. Tuya’s husband is a freelance carpenter.

Tuya and her husband have decided to build a family house beside her grandparents' house. The loan she is taking will be used to buy necessary building materials in order to build a family house.

Loan details

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