A loan helped a member to purchase cosmetics for resale.

Nueva Imagen De Tula Group's story

The group is called "Nueva Imagen de Tula" because the members said that the first impression is the one that lasts, but one can always be wrong and change. It is located in the state of Hidalgo, which is known as the city of Atlantes which was built by the Toltecs. Maria Concepcion Hernade has been selling cosmetics for the past 5 years. She is 59 years old and she is someone who enjoys to work and to keep moving forward in whatever way possible. People know her as a very good person, honest, and always ready to provide what they need on time. She wants this loan to invest in her business and to cover the household expenses. With the earnings she wants to distribute her products in farther territories so that everyone will know her and to become one of the best merchants.

In this group: Maria Concepcion, Teresa, Rosa Maria, Martha, Maria Del Rocio, Elena, Martha, Margarita, Francisca, Judith

Translated from Spanish.

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