A loan helped a member to buy clothing for resale.

Danaya Group's story

The members of the DANAYA group are all married women who average 30 years of age and five children each. They live in nuclear families with their children and spouses. These reside in the district of Massablacoura, in BOUGOUNI (third administrative region of the Republic of Mali). They know one another through ties of marriage.

These sellers of clothes and various merchandise decided to join the microfinance institution Soro Yiriwaso to stock up on bales of used clothing. They are on their fourth group loan. The three previous loans were correctly repaid.

Mariam S. plans to use her loan to buy two dozen shirts for small boys, twenty dress suits, and lots of clothing for newborns. She gets her merchandise at the Bamako market for resale at retail at the Bougouni market, for cash or credit, to a clientele composed of both men and women.

With this loan, the group members expect to earn a monthly profit of 40,000 FCFA each, which they will use to pay for the children’s tuition fees.

In this group: Maïmouna, Mariam, Minata, Maïmouna

Translated from French.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details