A loan helped a member to buy merchandise.

Santa Rosa De Lima Group's story

Mrs. Juana is married and has eight children. She is a member of the “Santa Rosa de Lima” Community Bank, a group with eight members that are all businesspeople. For the past eight years Juana has sold clothes from a booth in the market. This work meets the needs of what she wants to achieve, a good income and the ability to buy a house. Thanks to her efforts and dedication, she has good earnings and she bought a house where her family is currently living. They have a better quality of life. Juana told us that nothing is easy but she worked very hard to have the things she has today. With the loan that she is requesting she will buy merchandise and thereby expand her business. We know that Juana meets her goals through much work and effort and that this loan from Edaprospo will help her.

In this group: Juana, Adela Rebeca, Catalina Segundina, Elizabeth Noemi, Flora Aquilina, Rosamel, Ernestina, Nelida Juana

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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