A loan helped a member to buy art items for resale.

Virgen De Fátima Group's story

This committee was formed thanks to Reinalda O. O., who lives in the city of Independencia.

These happy ladies were glad to form the committee of rural ladies, called "Virgen de Fátima” committee.

Most of these ladies have their own businesses, whether that be general merchandise, chipa (typical cheese and starch based dough in Paraguay), or crafts. Others sell lottery, and some work as maids or cleaning women.

This is a united and hard working group and the ladies are constantly getting together and doing things to help each other with loan repayments. They’ve completed previous cycles, so they manage this system. Since they feel so united, they have requested another Kiva loan in order to continue working together, proving that lenders are a great help.

Ofelia sells art, something she learned from her parents who used to sell pitchers, vases, other vessels, and small sculptures. This is why she’s known the basics of this business, the types of customers, and the areas where demand is greatest since she was young.

She has turned this into her means of supporting herself and her family, but she would like to beat the poverty that some of her family finds itself in. She is asking for this loan to buy more art for resale which will help her financially.

In this group: Reinalda, Arminda, Mirna, Ofelia, Raquel, Silvana, Jorgelina, Wilfrida, Zulma, María Olga, Norma

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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