A loan helped to buy seasonal vegetables for his grocery store.

Hadi's story

Hadi is 29 years old and married with three children. He works selling seasonal fruits and vegetables. He has five years of experience in his field, and he likes his work. He is always striving to improve his future and to secure a good future for his children. He would like to increase the revenues of his store and develop his business. He is trying to improve his financial situation by improving his store, in this case, by increasing his store's inventory. With a loan from al-Majmoua he would like to buy new goods for his store. He stands out in his field due to his attention to detail in business matters. He would like to develop his store into a supermarket which will sell all sorts of foodstuffs. He is very concerned with providing his children a good education, and he wants a good future for them.

Translated from Arabic.

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