A loan helped to buy merchandise.

Iris Margot's story

Iris is 37 years old, single, and has two children. She lives with her family in Chiclayo district, the capital of Lambayeque department.

Iris' business is buying and selling groceries and selling personal care products. She has been in this business continually for more than five years. She has her own premises which are located in the third sector of Moshoqueque market. Her business is very popular. Through her business, she helps her family financially.

Iris would like to buy a batch of merchandise to increase her stock. Through the sales she makes, she will increase her income and, consequently, improve her quality of life. For this reason, she has requested a loan for 2,000 Peruvian soles from Edpyme Alternativa.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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