A loan helped to buy thread, fabric and other supplies.

Rebeca Yolanda's story

This member belongs to the "VILCANOTA" communal bank which is located in the district and province of Urubamba in the department of Cusco.

Mrs. Rebeca Yolanda is 67 years old, married and has two children. She alternates her daily activities with her embroidery business in which she makes tablecloths, embroidered linens, rug accessories, etc. She works from home and sells her products on an order basis to friends. Since this member is a retired teacher her job keeps her occupied. She is a cheerful person and determined to get ahead.

The loan she is requesting is to buy thread, fabric and other supplies.

She is grateful for the loan and committed to paying it back on time.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

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