Sra. Rosita Jorgina V. C. is 39 years old and lives in the town of Concepción. She and her husband, who works as a mason, support one another with the household expenses. They have three children in school who help her with her business. For the past sixteen years, Doña Rosita has been selling clothes, shoes, and cosmetics to provide for her children’s welfare. Her plans for the future include seeing them become professionals. There is not a day that goes by in which she tries to meet the daily needs of her children.
With her first loan, Sra. Rosita expanded her business and now she has a small beauty salon that helps her generate more income. She is grateful for the support AFODENIC has provided with the Kiva funds so that she could improve her living conditions. Now that she is in her second loan cycle, Rosita wants to invest in the purchase of clothing and shoes.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica. View original language description.