A loan helped a member to build a kitchen.

Mrs. Sokea Nouv Village Bank Group's story

This village bank loan consists of nine people living in Sangkae village in Takeo province. Mrs. Sokea N. is the village bank president, who has been selected by the other members of the group. The members will use their portion of the loan in varied ways to improve their family living.

Mrs. Sokea N. is a farmer who owns a half-hectare plot of land where she grows cucumber and potatoes to sell to earn income to support her family. Her husband, Mr. Sok Hai Sor, is a driver who earns a small salary to support his family.

Mrs. Sokea N. faces an obstacle because her house does not have a place for cooking. To improve this condition, she is applying for a loan to build a kitchen. Mrs. Sokea N. is a mother of four children – three of whom work as laborers, and the youngest one is 5 years old.

In this group: Sokea, Sok Ly, Sopha, Yan, Samut, Tol, Mao, San, Hang

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