A loan helped a member to invest in materials.

Alcanzando Nuestras Metas Group's story

Karina Evelyn, 24, is single and has a son. She lives in the Chacracerbo zone, Comas district. She's been part of the "Alcanzando Nuestras Metas" (Meeting our Goals) group, which has 8 members, for the last 8 months. Because of her responsibility and eagerness to work she was elected group Treasurer.

For the last year she has been selling costume jewelry and Dyclass catalogues. Thanks to the business she has managed to become independent and have more income to buy materials and for her son's expenses.

Her goal is to manage to buy her own house and that her children become professionals.

She will use the requested loan to invest in materials.

In this group: Karina Evelyn, Milagros Marlene, Lelia Esmith, Dionisia, Yolanda, Carmen Rosa, Maria Esther, Anita Mercedes

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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