A loan helped the purchase of materials for making hammocks and ropes.

Ociel Exides's story

Ociel, age 31, lives in Chilanga in the Morazan department. He lives with his wife and their first daughter, who is four months old. Ociel works with rope. This business consists of making ropes and hammocks from synthetic products and plant fibers. His parents started this business when he was young, though he has only been doing this for one year in order to provide his wife and daughter with their daily bread.

He is requesting a loan for the purchase of materials for making hammocks and ropes. With this purchase he will have materials at his disposition for making ropes and hammocks for his customers who are making orders. He always wants to keep making these products in order to take advantage of any possible sale.

He hopes to be a large producer in order to stabilize the income that allows him to continue developing as a person and a merchant. He also wants to improve his home and save up for his family's well-being.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Cooper.

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