A loan helped a member to buy wax pagnes.

Sabougnouma Group's story

The five members of the SABOUGNOUMA group are married and, on average, are 40 years old and have 3 children. Most of them live in monogamous families in HAMDALLAYE, one of the districts of the town of Sikasso in the third administrative region of Mali.

They are on their sixth collaboration with the micro-finance institution Soro Yiriwaso, in order to satisfy the needs of their customers. The past loans have been repaid properly.

This group of women sells various items such as "wax pagnes" (colorful traditional fabric) with the group’s president, Sali B..

Sali B. intends to buy 35 wax pagnes with her loan. She gets her supplies at the big market in SIKASSO and in Bamako. The wax pagnes are sold for cash at the market in MEDINE, at HAMDALLAYE in Sikasso and within the family to a customer base composed of men and women.

She plans to make an average monthly profit of 75,000 CFA francs that will be used to cover the family’s daily expenses. She aspires to increase her revenue in order to satisfy her customer base.

In this group: Sali, Fatuomata, Chata, Mariam, Aminata

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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