A loan helped a member to purchase sacks of rice, sugar and milk for resale.

Joyeux Lutins Plus Group's story

Jacques is the leader of the community bank “Joyeux Lutins Plus” which is composed of 16 members united in solidarity for receiving Kiva loans with the goal of developing their businesses.

Jacques, 43, is married and has been part of the micro-enterprise world since 2008. He operates a general store to the west of Kinshasa. He has acquired solid experience in this area and works hard with good management skills in order to realize his dream of one day opening two large stores in Kinshasa. He would also like to achieve financial independence through his business, which currently earns him $180 per week. He works to the best of his abilities and uses his contacts so that he might achieve his goals.

Jacques is a trustworthy client of MFI HOPE RDC, having three times obtained and correctly repaid loans. He will increase his stock of merchandise with his next loan, buying cans, sacks of sugar and milk to resell for a profit. Jacques has four children aged 2 to 14, three of whom attend school.

In this group: Jacques, Kilolo, Matunta, Alphonsine, Hélène, Betty, Antho, Héritier, Lady, John, Zimasungula, Alphonse, Reagan, Pierre, Perside, Annie

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details