A loan helped to buy products to stock her store and to buy sacks of organic fertilizer.

Antonieta's story

Antonieta is 43 years old. She lives with her partner, 44 year-old Gabino. They have three children but currently only look after two of them: 24 year-old Felicita and 6 year-old María. They live together in their own home which is located in Playa Hermosa-San Ramón (in the central Peruvian jungle).

Antonieta has been working in agriculture for 20 years. Her main crops are fruit such as pineapples and citrus fruits. Every morning she works hard, together with her husband Gabino, to grow their crops. Every weekend they sell their produce in the fruit wholesalers in the city from where middlemen constantly transport the fruit to different places in Peru. However, as Antonia has to constantly send money to the capital city, where her daughter Felicita is studying accountancy at a well-known University, 2 years ago she also opened a grocery store where she sells essentials to the residents of her town. She would like to continue working hard so that she can get her children ahead in life.

This is Antonieta's ninth loan with MFP and she says that she is happy with the work that she does with the other members of her community bank every month, where she learns to get ahead. Antonieta plans to use this loan to stock her grocery store business and, if the money reaches far enough, she will invest in buying some sacks of organic fertilizer that she needs for her crops.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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