A loan helped a member to buy a machine in order to increase her business.

Trebol 09 Group's story

Dolly is 29 years old and single. She has two children. She has worked from her own home as an upholsterer for five years. She learned to do it at a company and later went out on her own.

She begins her day very early, fulfilling orders and then delivering them. She used her first loan to buy fabric, and will use this loan to purchase machines to increase her business.

She met her group because they are friends from her neighborhood. Her goals and aspirations with this loan are to increase her business overall for a better quality of life. Her goals and aspirations for her life and family are to buy a plot of land in order to grow the business.

In this group: Estefania, Willians Fernando, Dolly, Martin, Rosa Jhuma, Marco Antonio, Raquel, Jose Abrahan

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kristin Fisher.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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