A loan helped agricultural supplies and fertilizers.

Mercedes Beatriz's story

Mercedes Beatriz Q. C. is 36 years old. She is married and lives with her husband and children. She lives in the San Miguel canton (subdivision) in the Boliver province. She has four children.

The V.R.C. Yaguie Grande is located 30 minutes from the San Miguel office and belongs to the San Miguel canton. This solidarity group dedicates itself to short-cycle farming of corn and potatoes. They have been doing this for a long time.

Mercedes dedicates herself to farming corn and potatoes. She buys her products in Ambato and San Miguel and sells them at the fair in San Miguel on Thursdays.

She is requesting this loan to buy agricultural supplies and fertilizers to grow corn and potatoes. The help from this loan will help her economically to provide for her necessities. She faces challenges such as pests and diseases and the changes in the climate. Her dream is to be able to build a home.

She likes to celebrate the holiday festivities with her family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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