A loan helped a member to buy more water, juice and sodas.

Ngara Group's story

Selina M. is in her mid-forties and divorced with five children. For a year, she has been selling soda, juice, water and cake. Her shop is open from 8 am to 10 pm daily. She makes a small profit.

This will be Selina's first loan with Kiva partner Tujijenge Tanzania. She hopes to use this loan to buy more water, juice and sodas and sell more cakes at a place called Kiluvya, a few kilometers from the city center. Selina's dream is to start selling chips and mishkaki (shish kebabs) in the same area.

Selina will share the loan with her loan group Ngara, which totals 21 members. The group members will hold each other accountable in repaying the loan.

In the photo, Selina can be seen seated in the front row, far left, with a brown dress and a blue scarf on her head.

In this group: Selina, Beatrice J., Hosana, Renatus, Gaspel, Julieth, Regina, Paulina, Yahaya, Suzana, Diana, Hemedi, Zuhura, Ally, Joseph E., Ally, Charde, Prisca, Elizabeth, Mwinyi, Suzana

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details