A loan helped a member buy peanuts.

Yeredon Group's story

The five women of the Yeredon group are all married into polygamous families, are on average 28 years old with four children, and all reside in the N’gola borough of Fakola, one of the sub-prefectures of Sikasso (third administrative region of the Republic of Mali).

They became acquainted as neighbours and all deal with food preparation excepting Chata Kone the group’s president, who excels in retailing peanut paste. She buys peanuts and processes them to make peanut paste.

Wanting to bolster their stock supply and diversify the items for sale, they decided to join Soro Yiriwaso where they are beginning their third group loan, having fully reimbursed the preceding ones.

Chata Kone intends to use her loan to buy 150 kilos of peanuts from wholesalers at the Fakola market. Chata sells door-to-door and at the Fakola market, to mostly women customers who pay cash and sometimes on credit.

Like other group members Chata hopes to attain average monthly earnings of 20,000 FCFA which will serve to reimburse the loan and take care of the family’s food condiments needs.

In this group: Chata, Bakoro, Mariam, Massitan, Chata

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer René McConnell.

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